Sunday, October 11, 2020

Angels have names too!

I have felt for a while that I need to share my recent thoughts with all of you. When I speak to people about my experience of losing the babies that I have lost and also being able to briefly go to heaven during my uterine rupture, I was able to see my children that I had lost while I was in heaven and I realized that they want to be known which is why Angels remembered was created because Angels want to be remembered. Although, today I wanted to share with you something more specific. I feel it is important for everyone to understand that not only are they there and helping each and every one of us, but they each have a name specifically and they want to be remembered. If you want to know who they are, all you have to do is ask in prayer. When sharing my experience, I always refer people to the scripture, Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you." It is an important scripture and one that has definitely brought many blessings to not only me, but many others in my life that I share this with. I know from personal experience that each of our angels that are in heaven have an identity, have a name, and if you want to know, all you need to do is ask. This year for Father's Day I wanted to give something to my husband that would be special in remembrance of all our children. Our children here on earth and in heaven. I decided to share the the picture that I gave to my husband for Father's Day, to share it with you so that you may understand and know if you are seeking to know more about your angel baby to know that they are there and they have a name and they want to be remembered. 

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